Just before the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Rector of the University of Tartu, Toomas Asser announced the university’s 2021 contribution to society award, contribution to research award and [...]
Based on the submitted proposals, a committee formed by the University of Tartu Student Union has chosen the recipients of the best teaching staff awards of 2021. At the Faculty of [...]
After a few years of limited conference possibilities, several of our workgroup members attended the 64th Annual Symposium of International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) in person this year. The conference was [...]
As part of covering the science and scientists of the Global South, Forbes Science wrote a nice story about our PhD student Slendy Rodríguez-Alarcón. Slendy is originally from Colombia but [...]
Until now, the workgroups of the UT botany department were distributed into different buildings in Tartu (our workgroup was located in the botanical gardens). But the long-awaited move into the [...]
Our workgroup is part of the EcolChange Centre of Excellence in Research and therefore we participated in the EcolChange annual conference 2021 on 26th November. This year, conference presentations introduced research collaboration topics [...]
Magno Daniel de Oliveira Gonçalves Araújo, a PhD student from the Federal University of Ceará in Brazil is visiting our workgroup this academic year. Magno's thesis topic is 'Observed, dark [...]
Our workgroup members Carlos, Riin, Aurele and Meelis published a new paper in this week's Nature magazine! The study was done in collaboration with members from the Plant Ecology Laboratory [...]
We are happy to welcome a new PhD student to our workgroup! Oscar started his PhD studies in September and he is using species distribution modelling, dark diversity methods and [...]
On 3rd September, we gathered together with the landscape biodiversity workgroup for a postponed spring seminar in Tartu. This time we talked about our future plans - which novel research [...]