News archive

National Research Contest for University Students 2022
Karl Hendrik Tamkivi, who wrote his Bachelor thesis in our workgroup, was just awarded a first prize at the National Research Contest for University Students! He got the award in [...]
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Oscar participated in a functional trait course in Spain
Between 11th-16th December, our PhD student Oscar participated in the course "Species Traits: A Functional Approach To Biodiversity, From Organisms To Ecosystems" which took place in the mountains near Valencia, [...]
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Macroecology workgroup autumn seminar 2022
Our annual workgroup seminar took place on 6th-7th December in Kadrina manor in Tartu county. The topic of the seminar was 'Macroecology of biodiversity belowground'. From our workgroup Meelis, Oscar, [...]
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PhD student expedition to Réunion island
Our workgroup PhD students Slendy, Oscar and Bruno participated in the science expedition to Réunion island on 7th-24th November. The expedition was organised by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences [...]
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Department of Botany conference
The Department of Botany conference took place on 20th October in Jõgeva county. At the conference, all second and third year doctoral students presented their research and the best presenters [...]
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7th Laelatu Academy
The Laelatu Academy is a seminar and think tank for students that is organised by the Botany department every spring and autumn. High school and university students can get together [...]
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DarkDivNet 2022 workshop
The global field sampling network, DarkDivNet, was established three years ago, and every year we have organised a small conference or meeting for all participants. This year the workshop took [...]
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NEOBIOTA conference in Tartu
This year the 12th International Conference on Biological Invasions (NEOBIOTA) took place in Tartu, Estonia on 12th-16th September. From our workgroup Bruno and Meelis participated in the event, and Bruno [...]
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Slendy participated in the INTECOL 2022 conference in Switzerland
The INTECOL 2022 conference took place in Geneva, Switzerland on Aug 28 - Sep 2. From our workgroup, Slendy participated in the workshop with a presentation on the topic "Intraspecific [...]
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Welcome, Blanca!
We have a new member in our workgroup - Blanca Luz Caleño Ruiz started her PhD studies at the University of Tartu in September. Blanca is from Colombia and her [...]
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