News archive

New paper about the importance of belowground diversity
In collaboration with our colleagues from the Plant Ecology group, Maarja Öpik and Martti Vasar, and Scott Wilson from the University of Regina, Canada, Sabrina published an article about the [...]
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Lisanna received a PhD degree!
On 12th of December, Lisanna Schmidt successfully defended her thesis “Phenotypic and genetic differentiation in the hybridizing species pair Carex flava and C. viridula in geographically different regions“ and was [...]
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Marianne won 1st prize in Estonian National Contest for University Students
Our workgroup Master student Marianne Kaldra won 1st prize (960 eur) for her Bachelor thesis „Heterostyly of Primula veris in fragmented populations“ in Estonian National Contest for University Students. Marianne’s [...]
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Expedition to volcanic Réunion island
18th of Nov – 1st of Dec Meelis, Ülle, Aurele, Madli, Miina, Elisabeth and Diego participated at the scientific expedition to Réunion island. Despite preparation everything did not go as [...]
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Aveliina received a media friend prize called "Ökul"
On 21st of November Estonian Research Council organised a science communication conference in Tartu. Conference topic was 'Science in social media - between entertainment and noise?'. In addition to presentations [...]
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New paper studies how lifeless volcanic islands are populated by different plant and animal species
Madli Jõks and Meelis Pärtel used a computer simulation for studying the plant communities on the Hawaiian Islands, Galapagos Islands, Canary Islands, Cape Verde and the Azores. The simulation imitated [...]
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Workgroup autumn seminar
Our workgroup autumn seminar was held on 1st-2nd of November in Carl Schmidti Maja, Põltsamaa. The topic was this time 'grant applications' as many of us are planning to apply [...]
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Dark Diversity Network
Together with the Plant Ecology Lab and several collaborators from abroad we have initiated the Dark Diversity Network (DarkDivNet). DarkDivNet is a coordinated global sampling network to explore the dark [...]
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New article about plants dispersal in fragmented landscape
In collaboration with our Swedish colleagues Jan Plue and Sara Cousins, Tsipe was a co-author in an article about domestic animals enhancing plant dispersal among isolated grasslands in Stockholm archipelago, [...]
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Laelatu autumn academy
Between 13-14th of October the Department of Botany organised the second ’Laelatu academy’ event. The aim was to discuss if continuous cover forestry can be realistic solution for species-rich and [...]
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