News archive

Welcome Enrico
We are happy to welcome another member to our workgroup! Enrico Tordoni started his work as a postdoctoral researcher in December. His research focuses on disentangling the evolutionary and functional [...]
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SEED-DarkDivNet setup
On one cold November day we set up our seed addition experiment for SEED-DarkDivNet. SEED-DarkDivNet is led by Lotte Korell and Kristin Ludewig and is an add-on study to our [...]
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Workgroups autumn seminar
The joint seminar of Macroecology and Landscape Biodiversity workgroups was held on 11th November in Tartu Lodjakoda. The focus of this seminar were evolutionary and phylogenetic questions. We were happy to welcome [...]
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Doctoral conference
The Doctoral Conference of the Department of Botany was held on 6th November. All 2nd and 3rd year PhD students had a chance to present their recent findings to other [...]
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Welcome Juni
We are happy to welcome another new member to our workgroup! Junichi Fujinuma is starting his two-year postdoctoral researcher position in the Macroecology workgroup. In his project 'Uniting species and [...]
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Welcome Anne
We are happy to welcome a new member to our workgroup! Anne started her PhD studies in September. She is supervised by Aurèle, and she will study freshwater fish and [...]
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Welcome Eleonora
We are happy to welcome a new member to our workgroup! Eleonora started her PhD studies in September. She is supervised by Carlos, and her doctoral studies focus on the [...]
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Autumn gathering
With several members of our workgroup and our collaborators from the landscape biodiversity workgroup we decided to visit Meelis one september afternoon. During the lovely gathering we discussed our summer [...]
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Greenhouse experiment
This summer our PhD student Slendy conducted a greenhouse experiment growing ~50 grassland plant species in different soil moisture levels and measuring their aboveground and belowground traits. The experiment ran [...]
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Floristics field course in Tartu
The floristics field course was held in Tartu and surrounding areas this summer. The course was thought in two groups and supervised by several members of our department. From our [...]
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