On 28th of May, Kersti Riibak successfully defended her thesis “Importance of dispersal limitation in determining dark diversity of plants across spatial scales“ and was awarded with the degree of [...]
On 26th-27th of May the Department of Botany organised an event called ’Laelatu spring academy’ for the first time. The aim of the event was to bring together more experienced [...]
Ecologist Aveliina Helm was chosen as the silver mark laureate of the Estonian nature conservation. The nature protection mark highlights people whose services are recognized in the study of nature, [...]
Our workgroup spring seminar was held on 10th-11th of May at Laelatu field station. This time the seminar was focused on the macroecology of interactions. In addition to presentations by [...]
In March, the agricultural company Väderstad organised a seminar, where they introduced the latest news of the company, but also prof. Meelis Pärtel from University of Tartu and Evelin Loit [...]
On 20th of April the 13th Estonian ecology conference 'Ecological science in a changing world' was held in Tartu. From our workgroup Aveliina gave a talk titled ’Estonian grasslands – [...]
Between 10th-13th of April, Meelis and Aurèle participated in the annual meeting of macroecologists hosted by the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL in Birmendorf. The theme of the conference was [...]
On 23rd of March the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services published a global assessment about the status of biodiversity and what are the main threats and opportunities [...]
In the beginning of March, Liis and Elisabeth sowed over 150 samples of soil seedbank in our department greenhouse. Samples were collected last summer from the areas of restoration project [...]
Between 26th-28th February 2018, Sabrina and Iris (a master student of Tsipe) represented our workgroup at the 3rd Annual Meeting for Conservation Genetics in Vienna, Austria, presenting their first results [...]