News archive

Estonia is looking for cowslips!
Scientists from University of Tartu and Estonian Fond for Nature invite this spring to join an exciting citizen science initiative – Estonia is looking for cowslips! There is no need [...]
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Meelis introduced the secrets of biodiversity to high school students
Between 9th-10th March, Tartu hosted the final round of the Estonian Biology Olympiad for high school students. Meelis Pärtel gave an interesting talk about the secrects of biodiversity ("Elurikkuse saladuste [...]
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New workgroup in the department of botany
Landscape Biodiversity workgroup, led by Dr. Tsipe Aavik and Dr. Aveliina Helm, has branched out from the Macroecology workgroup. New workgroup focuses on the relations of humans and natural environment [...]
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Open Doors Day of the University of Tartu
On 27th of February the open doors day of Tartu university took place, where future students could participate in different scientific workshops. Kersti, Madli and Iris introduced our workgroup by [...]
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DarkDivNet newsletter
DarkDivNet published a Newsletter for all current and potential participants. The newsletter gives an overview about the progress of DarkDivNet, encourage more people to participate (especially from less covered regions), [...]
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International conference of biogeography in Spain
January 8-12, 2019 Meelis and Robert participated at the International Biogeography Society (IBS) 9th Biennial Conference in Malaga, Spain. Robert gave a talk about how to estimate site favourability for [...]
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New paper about the importance of belowground diversity
In collaboration with our colleagues from the Plant Ecology group, Maarja Öpik and Martti Vasar, and Scott Wilson from the University of Regina, Canada, Sabrina published an article about the [...]
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Lisanna received a PhD degree!
On 12th of December, Lisanna Schmidt successfully defended her thesis “Phenotypic and genetic differentiation in the hybridizing species pair Carex flava and C. viridula in geographically different regions“ and was [...]
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Marianne won 1st prize in Estonian National Contest for University Students
Our workgroup Master student Marianne Kaldra won 1st prize (960 eur) for her Bachelor thesis „Heterostyly of Primula veris in fragmented populations“ in Estonian National Contest for University Students. Marianne’s [...]
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Expedition to volcanic Réunion island
18th of Nov – 1st of Dec Meelis, Ülle, Aurele, Madli, Miina, Elisabeth and Diego participated at the scientific expedition to Réunion island. Despite preparation everything did not go as [...]
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