News archive

May 2023
Madli received a PhD degree
Within two weeks two of our PhD students have received their degrees! On 26th May, Madli Jõks successfully defended her PhD thesis on the topic "Biodiversity drivers in oceanic archipelagos [...]
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Visiting PhD student from Denmark
We are happy to welcome Davide Barsotti who is visiting our workgroup in May! Davide is a PhD student at the Copenhagen University in Denmark and his thesis topic is [...]
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Diego received a PhD degree
On 12th of May, Diego Trindade successfully defended his thesis "Dark diversity dynamics linked to global change: taxonomic and functional perspective" and was awarded with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy [...]
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8th Laelatu Academy
The Laelatu Academy is a seminar and think tank for high school and university students that is organised by the Botany department every spring and autumn. Together with scientists the [...]
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