We are happy to welcome Slendy Rodriguez from Colombia to our workgroup. She started her PhD studies this autumn focusing on the functional diversity of plant communities. Specifically, she will [...]
Over the summer we had many students visiting our workgroup to collaborate with our researchers and do some fieldwork. From April to August PhD students Maribel Vasquez (from Chile) and [...]
This summer 58 Bachelor level students successfully completed the field course in Floristics. The course was thought in three groups and supervised by several members of our department. From our [...]
We are sad to say goodbye to Robert Szava-Kovats who started a new position at the Estonian Marine Institute. Robert was a researcher in the macroecology workgroup since its beginning. [...]
Many sites all over the world are already sampled for DarkDivNet and now we have also included the first Estonian sampling site. Between 25th June - 23rd July, Meelis, Carlos, [...]
Meelis and Riin represented our workgroup at the annual International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS) symposium. The conference was held between 14-18 July in Bremen, Germay. The whole week was [...]
The 2nd International Conference on Community Ecology took place 4-6 June in Bologna, Italy. Meelis was invited as a plenary speaker and he gave an interesting talk on dark diversity [...]
Our department has a long-term experiment looking at the effects of fertilisation and carbon addition on grassland species diversity. It has already been running for 17 years! Kersti, Madli and [...]
On 2nd-3rd May, we had our spring seminar together with the Landscape biodiversity workgroup in western Estonia. The seminar was about methods in ecology and we heard many interesting talks [...]