We are happy to host a visiting PhD student from Italy! Luciano Ludovico Maria De Benedictis is a PhD student in University of Camerino, at the School of Biosciences and [...]
On February 21st, Eleonora Beccari successfully defended her thesis "Mapping and Exploring Trait Spaces Across the Tree of Life" and earned her PhD degree in Botany and Mycology. The opponent was Holger [...]
Although December and January is not a good time for field work in Estonia, then on the southern hemisphere vegetation sampling is possible. This winter, our adventurous field workers, Slendy [...]
Since Bruno and Slendy both received their PhD degrees a few months ago, they are now embarking on new adventures on the other side of the world. Bruno returned to [...]
On January 31st, the annual joint winter conference of the Botany and Zoology departments took place, where all PhD students had the opportunity to give 3-minute presentations. This time, we [...]
In January, Mats Otto-Kristian Ittonen started his postdoctoral position in our workgroup! He finished his PhD last year at Stockholm University where he studied evolutionary adaptation during a butterfly species’ [...]
Driven by the mission to tackle Raunkiæran shortfall (lack of knowledge of species traits and functions) and enhance ecological understanding, the TraitDivNet is committed to explore the world's most challenging [...]
Markéta Applová, a PhD student from the Czech Republic is visiting Macroecology workgroup during the month of November. She is supervised jointly by Carlos Carmona and Lars Götzenberger, who has [...]
Every two years the University of Tartu Department of Botany organises a PhD conference where 2nd and 3rd year students present their research. This year the conference took place on [...]
On 15th November Bruno Paganeli got his PhD degree in botany and mycology with his thesis "Dark diversity methods for prioritization of areas and species in nature conservation". The oponent [...]